Sunday Pig Roast

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This Sunday we went up to the German Tourist Club near Muir woods in Marin County. They had a Pig Roast to thank all the club members for volunteering and working up at the club. This is Jackson’s face when he saw the pork.
They cooked 100 pounds (only half a hog) and roasted in a special box called a cajachina.
After our big meal, the bigger kids had to have a go on the rope swing. Townes, who got to go on the swing for the first time by himself, kept declaring, “I’m holding on with ALL MY MIGHT!”.
We also go a chance to hit the trails and test out this glorious new piece of hiking gear that we purchased the day before. It was my first chance to geek out and splurge on outdoor gear that I can actually use right now with a newborn. Note the sunshade. And yes, for all of those who know me well, I got it on sale.


2 thoughts on “Sunday Pig Roast

    Gma said:
    November 5, 2014 at 9:49 am

    You are LIVIN’ life! Love your posts!


      jacksoncolt responded:
      November 5, 2014 at 12:51 pm

      Was extra fun because you were there. Xo


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